Finnieston map of closures

Open invitation to Finnieston COP26 travel info sessions


Glasgow residents and business owners are being invited to a series of drop-in sessions so that they can find out about how the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference (COP26) will affect their daily lives.

The Finnieston drop-in sessions are being held on Thursday, 7 October 2021 at Nuffield Health, Central Fitness & Wellbeing Club, 141 Finnieston Street, Glasgow, G3 4HB. There are three sessions: 10am to 12 noon, 2pm to 4pm and 5pm to 7pm to give as many people as possible the chance to attend.

The drop-ins are for residents, businesses and anyone else who would like to come along.

In addition to the drop-in sessions some 9,000 letters have been landing on local doormats in the Finnieston, Yorkhill and Anderston areas over the past few days giving details of the road closures and security restrictions. All the information and maps showing the road closures and diversions are also available on the Get Ready Glasgow website (

The drop-in sessions will be a key tool in helping Glasgow residents and business owners make decisions about how they are going to get around the city during the conference.

A spokesperson for Get Ready Glasgow said;

The conference runs from Sunday 31 October until Friday 12 November 2021.It’s expected that in addition to the VIP attendance during the world Leader’s summit at the beginning of the programme, an estimated 25,000 delegates will be attending throughout the summit, in addition to protestors and activists.

Security measures will involve extensive road closures, parking restrictions and diversions around the main conference venues such as the SEC.